A Brand New Start

I've pondered on the thought of how I'm going to start this blog. A few ideas have sprung to mind: (wow, nice to see you here). Yes, I know... all undoubtedly cringey and, well... not me. So, I'm going to do what I do best and get straight to the point.

The idea of starting a blog has been spiralling in my mind for quite some time now. I'm going to be honest, I have created blogs before in the past and given them a quirky layout matched with a kind-of cool title, but I have never stuck to it, leading my curser into the direction of the delete button. However, I just couldn't decide why it always led to that point. Fear of judgement? Lack of inspiration? Perhaps a combination of them both? But I have never got this far, where I am sat on my desk/bed on one sunny day and writing this... my first blog post.

Some say that your first post has to be special and era-defining (perhaps I'm exaggerating here), but I will gladly argue against this blogging stereotype. I don't want this first post to be a reflection of the entity of my future posts or a reflection of who I am as a person. No, but rather the first stepping stone along a lake where I won't be afraid of falling in the water from time to time. Very poetic, I know, but once again, that's just me.

I didn't know where I was going with this post. I had no plan or draft in my notebook. I just simply sat down and wrote whatever words popped into my head. I didn't know how long it was going to be, how many spellings I would make and then have to fix, what it was going to be about. That's always been my problem: just writing! I've somehow merged my way into the habit of overthinking every word I scribble down, especially when I want to creatively write which is my biggest passion. However, I want to overcome this bad habit. As I'm writing now, I know that not every sentence I've wrote is perfect or publisher-worthy. I know that once this is published and I reread it that there will be some grammar or spelling mistakes I've missed. Looking at it now as a whole piece, all I can see is the red squiggly line from all the spelling mistakes I've made due to my clumsy talent of typewriting. But I don't care. (I will eventually fix these, but I'm just trying to express a somewhat heartfelt message here).

I want to keep experiencing this attitude of basically not giving a damn about what others think or if it is perfect enough. I don't really know where I'm going with this (as I said, I am literally just writing the random thoughts swimming through my mind right now), but there is one thing I know for sure:

I just want to LIVE the experience, and WRITE it.


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